Have you ever sighed deeply after a mistake or mishap and said to yourself, “If only I knew,” or “I wish someone could have told me…”? Well, I did. As mindful as we can try to be, I don’t think anyone likes making mistakes. We all wish we could prevent mishaps and unpleasantness. Predicting the future is impossible, but I eventually understood that I can learn from others’ mistakes and lessons.
I Am Just as Confused As You Are
You are not alone, I am just as confused as you are. My life hasn't always been the way I wanted it to be. I hated business studies in my junior secondary school, but surprisingly, I had the highest score on the “termly assessment” test. I wanted to be a science student, but I got randomly selected for a commercial class and ended up loving it. As a student of commerce, I graduated as the best in my set. Discovering what I wanted to do with my life and career was even more challenging.
Reminiscing on My First Day of Teaching
My first day of teaching still haunts me to this day. Not because it was a bad experience, although there were many things I would do differently if I could, but because it was the fact that I was teaching. Even though I majored in English as an undergraduate and master’s student, it was difficult for me to imagine myself in front of the classroom as a teacher. I was notorious for doubting myself. Heck, still today, even when it’s been five years since I started teaching.