• Fiction

    The Lone Walk

    (Photo courtesy of Genevieve Dallaire via Unsplash)

    The sand beneath my feet whirls away, sweeping me off in a sway. On the floor, I lay, as my grief is in bits, gradually fraying. I stifle a chill as the breezes go hay, the sun grows cold and gray, on a thick cloudy day in May with no hope and no sun rays.

  • Fiction

    Heaven Simple

    (Photo courtesy of Cody Schroeder via Unsplash)

    the wind did not howl but the door frame is loose vibrated and swayed like the unhinged rusting tin roof and her anxious heart

  • Fiction

    9 AM Discovery


    Open the album to see your roots. Hover your petite fingers across the beige page with the woman’s face you inherited.